Israel Tour With Taylor Halverson

APRIL 26- MAY 5, 2025


This Israel Tour is designed and led by Dr. Taylor Halverson, a world class tour leader with experience leading tours to Israel for three decades.

Immerse yourself in the world of Jesus Christ and the New Testament together with the vibrant sites and sounds of the living cultures of the Holy Land today.

[Note: This is a very active tour. You’ll need to be comfortable and capable of walking 3-5 miles in a day, climbing up and down stairs and hills unassisted, and walking on uneven surfaces.]

Tour Guide

Taylor Halverson

Taylor has PhDs in Biblical Studies (emphasis in Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity) and Instructional Technology (emphasis in learning design). Taylor loves people and loves learning and teaching on site.

View Profile


April 26

Fly to Israel


Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport (No meals included)

April 27

Flights Arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel

Schedule your flights to arrive in Tel Aviv the afternoon or evening of April 27.

Transfers to hotel (Crown Plaza or similar). Relax at the beach or otherwise unwind. (Dinner included)

April 28

Caesarea Philippi; Megiddo; Nazareth

We drive north along the coast to visit the port city built by Herod the Great, Caesarea Maritima. Here Paul was imprisoned for two years (Acts 24) and from here Cornelius the Centurion left on his journey to meet Peter (Acts 10). Later as we drive north to the Jezreel valley, we’ll talk about Mt. Carmel where Elijah’s had his contest with the priests of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-40). Then we’ll visit Megiddo, or Har Megiddo (the mount of the fortress) also known as Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). This spot was one of the most crucial and strategic for the empires of the ancient world and several Israelite kings died defending this location (2 Kings 9) notably king Josiah (2 Kings 23). We’ll cross north through the valley of Jezreel for the city of Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus (Matthew 2:23). Our afternoon will be spent in a recreated ancient Nazarene village that will help us more fully experience what life was like in the time of Jesus. Hotel Sea of Galilee at Migdal (or similar).

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


April 29

Tel Dan; Caesarea Philippi; Sea of Galilee

We’ll pass Mt. Tabor this morning, the traditional location of Jesus’s transfiguration (Mark 9; Matthew 17). Next we’ll drive to the beautiful nature reserve of Tel Dan and see the ancient Roman road that Jesus would have walked (Matthew 16), the remains of the Israelite high place (1 Kings 12), and the Canaanite city that Abraham marched through to save the life of Lot (Genesis 14). At Caesarea Philippi, we’ll discuss the soul-expanding reasons why Jesus brought his disciples to this specific spot to ask “Who do men say that I am?” (Matthew 16). We’ll end our day at Hotel Sea of Galilee (or similar) in the town of Migdal (Matthew 15:39, the traditional hometown of Mary Magdalene, right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


April 30

Mount of Beatitudes; Capernaum; Sea of Galilee; Qasr al Yahud (River Jordan baptism site); Jerusalem

We’ll begin the morning with Jesus’s Galilean ministry. We’ll find a quiet spot at the Mount of Beatitudes to study and ponder the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Then we’ll visit the home-base of Jesus’s Galilean ministry, the town of Capernaum. There we will be at the likely synagogue where Jesus taught and healed (Luke 4:31). Plus we’ll see the likely home of Peter the Apostle (Luke 4:38-41), where Jesus likely stayed during His time in Capernaum (Mark 2). We’ll also discuss Jesus poignantly asking His chief disciple to “feed my sheep” (John 21:16-17). We’ll visit the Yigal Allon Centre that houses a Galilean fishing boat from the time of Jesus; and time permitting we’ll get out on a modern boat for a brief time to consider how the master stilled the storms of the seas and our hearts (Matthew 8:24). We’ll head south toward Jerusalem through the rift valley along the Jordan River. We’ll stop at Qasr al Yahud (River Jordan baptism site) to contemplate the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptism and God’s declaration “Thou art my Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). On the way up the 3500 foot climb from the Jordan River valley to Jerusalem, time permitting, we’ll stop at the beautifully austere overlook of Wadi Qelt and discuss the Good Samaritan story (Luke 10:25-37). Evening at the Grand Court hotel in Jerusalem.

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


May 1

Bethlehem; City of David; Hezekiah’s Tunnel; Pool of Siloam; Mount of Olives; Garden of Gethsemane; Olive Wood shopping

This morning we’ll cross over into Palestinian territory to visit the fabled city of Bethlehem. Jesus, the Bread of Life, was born in the city named House (Beth) of Bread (lehem). We’ll visit the traditional location of Jesus’ birth at the Church of the Nativity (Luke 2:1-7, 16-20) and then contemplate the wondrous night of His birth at the Shepherd’s Field chapel (Luke 2:8-15). In the afternoon we’ll visit the City of David, the oldest portion of Jerusalem. We learn about the Israel’s first kings and the mighty building projects they undertook, including Hezekiah’s tunnel (2 Kings 20:20), a feat of engineering completed around 701 BC so that ever flowing living water would be available to the inhabitants of Jerusalem (bring shoes you can get wet and a flashlight!). We’ll then visit the Pool of Siloam, the location where Jesus sent the blind to wash and gain his sight (John 9). This pool was also where ancient Israelite pilgrims would wash before ascending the royal road up to the Temple at Jerusalem, singing the songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). We will follow the same route, discussing what life would have been like in Jerusalem under Roman occupation during the time of Jesus. Continuing north, we head down the slope to the Kidron Valley and visit the Garden of Gethsemane (the garden of the oil press) (Matthew 26:36-56 ; Luke 22:40-46). And we’ll conclude our day from the beautiful overlook of Mount of Olives and learn of Jesus’s feelings for this beloved city (Matthew 24-25). (Olive wood shopping in Jerusalem or Bethlehem)

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


May 2

Dome of the Rock; Temple Steps; Western Wall; Western Wall Tunnel; Via Dolorosa; Church of the Holy Sepulcher; Hezekiah’s Broad Wall

We’ll have a packed day of amazing sites and experiences today. Depending upon availability we’ll visit the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock (the third holiest spot in all of Islam, where Muhammad ascended on his nighttime heavenly journey on his trusty steed named Barak, the Arabic word for lightening). Later we’ll visit the Davidson Archaeological Center that contains the remains of the Roman destruction of the Jerusalem temple, the stairs where Jesus entered the temple (John 8) and Peter healed a lame man (Acts 3:1-9), and the spot near where Jesus was tempted to jump from the pinnacle of the temple (Matthew 4:5-7). Then on to one of the holiest spots in Judaism, the Western Wall, a remaining portion of the wall that surrounded the temple complex built by Herod the Great. Afterwards we’ll go underground, like Indiana Jones, and see the amazing remains of the ancient city of Jerusalem that have been unearthed in the past several decades. Once we emerge, we’ll be near the Via Dolorosa (the Path of Pain), the Christian pilgrimage route that follows the path that, by tradition, people believe Christ followed on His way to the crucifixion (Matthew 27). We’ll discuss the final hours of Jesus’s life with a stop at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Matthew 28), the holiest spot in all of Christianity and, by tradition, the location of Jesus’s execution, burial, and resurrection. This church is a melding of various Christian traditions, being occupied and managed by these Christian groups: Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Egyptian Coptic, Syriac Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, and the Ethiopian Christian Church. The destruction of this church site nearly 1000 years ago is what caused European Christians to launch the crusades (aid for the cross). If time permits, we’ll visit Hezekiah’s Broad Wall from 722 BC that was built to protect northern Israelite refugees at the time of the Assyrian invasion, which resulted in the 10 Tribes being captured and lost to history. Nephi’s ancestors were likely members of those refugees and Nephi likely grew up not far from this wall.

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


May 3

Qumran; Dead Sea; Masada

Today we’ll be back on the bus to descend into the Jordan River valley again. We’ll visit Qumran, the location of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain the oldest complete version of the Bible. Next we’ll experience the Dead Sea and float in the high-salt-content water. Then we’ll ascend to the top of Masada, the fortress-palace built by Herod the Great and the last refuge for Jewish zealots during the war with Rome.

Breakfast, LUNCH & dinner included!


May 4

Last Supper; St. Peter in Gallicantu; Garden Tomb; late night flights home

We’ll visit the traditional location (Cenacle) of the last supper of Jesus with His disciples (John 13-17) and consider the Psalms Jesus likely sung with His disciples (Psalms 113-118). We’ll ponder the trial of Jesus at St. Peter in Gallicantu and visit the prison where He was likely held and walk the stairs that He likely climbed on His way to judgment (Matthew 26). As time permits, we’ll visit other sites in Jerusalem. We’ll then contemplate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ in the beautifully maintained Garden Tomb (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20). Later afternoon transfers to Tel Aviv. 

Plan for your flight to leave Tel Aviv after 9:00 pm. 

Breakfast & lunch included!


May 5

Arrive home with incredible memories!

(No meals included)


You Can Add Any of These Extensions to Your Israel Tour Via the Book Now Link

3 Day Egypt Splendors

Great Pyramids; Grand Egyptian Museum; Islamic Cairo

$1,795 pp dbl occp

7 Day Egypt Ultimate Egypt

Great Pyramids; Grand Egyptian Museum; Islamic Cairo; Luxury Nile Cruise; Aswan; Karnak; Luxor; Valley of the Kings.

$3,695 pp dbl occp

3 Day Jordan

Jordan: Aqaba; Petra; Wadi Rum

$1,795 pp dbl occp

3 Day Jordan + 3 Day Egypt

Jordan: Aqaba; Petra; Wadi Rum

Egypt: Great Pyramids; Grand Egyptian Museum; Islamic or Christian Cairo.

$3,590 pp dbl occp

3 Day Jordan + 7 Day Egypt

Jordan: Petra; Wadi Rum; Aqaba

Egypt: Great Pyramids; Luxury Nile Cruise; Aswan; Karnak; Luxor; Valley of the Kings.

$5,290 pp dbl occp

What’s Included


  • World class tour guides
  • 4 or 5 star hotels
  • Transfers to and from the airport (If arriving and departing with the group)
  • Entrance fees
  • Whisper headsets
  • Luxury tour coach bus
  • Tips for local drivers
  • Tips for local guides

Not Included

  • Incidentals
  • Personal items
  • International flights
  • Traveler’s insurance

Also Included

  • Digital learning materials
  • Digital itineraries
  • Water on the bus
  • Meals as indicated on the itinerary

“Pack your bags, get your air tickets, and we’ll take care of everything else!”

Pricing & Booking


Per Person Plus Add-Ons

Based on Double Occupancy

$950 Single Supplement

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